What is a hot flash?
And all of a sudden, it hits you. That all too familiar feeling of warmth spreads throughout your body, hitting your neck, arms, chest, and face. Your cheeks turn blotchy, and you lose focus. Your heartbeat starts to accelerate as you grab the table next to you. You wait a few minutes, but the feeling persists. Sweat droplets start to form on the side of your forehead. After five minutes, an uncomfortable chill travels down your spine for the finale. Not this again…
Menopause and surfing
Have you ever thought to add surfing to your list of exciting activities? Think no more, Jane Mold uncovers the benefits of surfing as a middle-aged woman. Surfing is not only a way to further connect with nature and experience the incredible views of the calm ocean waves, Mold says you can also get fantastic exercise from surfing.
In her Zone: Dr. Barbara Collins
Dr. Barbara is President and CEO of Positive Trends, Inc., a professional speaker, professor, blogger, and author. She is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She brings over 25 years of experience in education, training, and organizational development to her signature presentation and book entitled It’s Your Turn: Find Your Authentic Self and Fetch It! Her new book Power in Midlife and Beyond – 14 Ways to Create an Authentic Life is available at www.barnesnoble.com and www.drbarbaracollins.com.
Women over 50 pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors
I learned along the way that the answer to that question is not finite. At 10 years old, I said, “a lawyer”, and with tenacity and supportive mentors, I got into Harvard Law School and became a lawyer. After 10 years of practice, I took a hiatus to raise my children. It was the right decision for my family, but I was concerned about the impact on my career. I didn’t need to be because it was while home that I pursued several entrepreneurial pursuits and learned from each, which equipped me for my current venture as Founder and CEO of Thermaband with my eldest daughter. If I didn’t continue my entrepreneurial endeavors after 50, I wouldn’t have created the Zone, our wearable solution for hot flash/night sweat suffers. And guess what, I have several more entrepreneurial ideas that are in queue, since, I’m still growing up, after all.”
5 menopause triggers in your daily life
It’s the wintertime, and you’re still hot! We know all about it. We hate to say it, but some of these things might be causing flare-ups and making you hotter than you want to be.
Evolution of Menopause Technology
Historically, not much attention or focus has been given to menopause health and research. There are many reasons for that, but specifically we’ll focus on life expectancy, disparities in medical care among genders, and lack of funding for FemTech. Today, at least we have many more treatment options to choose from.
Moms and daughters: What did your mom say?
We recently posed a question to our Facebook community: Did the women in your family share openly about their experiences with menopause? What were your observations and what conversations did you have?
Thermaband focuses on hot flash help
Two years ago, Debbie Dickinson, a Harvard-educated lawyer and mother of four, began experiencing hot flashes due to perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause.
Investing in Femtech: The Case for Women’s Healthcare (Part I)
It’s no secret that women’s healthcare has undergone an astounding transformation in just a short time frame. Over the last decade, “femtech” — broadly defined as technologies and services that address women’s health — has shifted from a largely neglected sector to one that has garnered significant momentum among both entrepreneurs and investors. According to Pitchbook, VC funding to femtech startups has grown by nearly 10x since 2012, and Frost & Sullivan estimate that the sector has a market potential of $50B by 2025.