In her Zone: Nathalie Bonafe
Nathalie Bonafé, PhD is a holistic menopause coach. She is a biochemist and molecular biologist with 25 years’ experience in biomedical research. Nathalie offers customized education for women to navigate and thrive in times of change, vulnerability, with self-care, self-love and self-determination. She helps fill the gaps in care, supports women understand the change, advocate […]
Disrupting the Menopausal Space with Femtech
For decades, men have been at the forefront of medical research, leaving nearly half of our global population behind – women. Although women make up 49.58% of the global population, most clinical research is solely done on males and then extrapolated to women’s health. This creates a long, long history of women being told incorrect diagnosis and given inaccurately evidence-backed solutions.
Evolution of Menopause Technology
Historically, not much attention or focus has been given to menopause health and research. There are many reasons for that, but specifically we’ll focus on life expectancy, disparities in medical care among genders, and lack of funding for FemTech. Today, at least we have many more treatment options to choose from.
Feldenkrais & Menopause
After a career teaching Classical Ballet and Pilates, Abbe Harris turned to Feldenkrais in 2001 after helping herself recover from a back injury with several sessions of the method. Abbe Harris introduces Feldenkrais in this article and discusses how it may help in dealing with symptoms of menopause. The exercises are very gentle, but the impact is powerful.
Menopause-Related Weight Gain
So, on top of the hot flashes, mood changes, and sleep problems, you’re now gaining weight? Unfortunately for many, the answer to this question is yes. Weight gain is yet another uncomfortable side effect of menopause, which can add an aditional layer of discomfort for going through the menopausal transition.
Menopause & Anxiety
Anxiety during menopause is a common symptom, stemming from the uncertainty of what this new journey will bring. Changing hormones can cause you to experience sadness or depression regarding the loss of fertility and changes in your body.
Men & hot flashes
Hot flashes only happen to women…right? No. Even men are prone to dealing with this natural symptom. The sudden instances of a rush of warmth can be extremely discomforting for all humans.
Top 5 tips to relieve menopause effects
During the menopausal transition, you may experience pain in your body. High estrogen levels are linked with abdominal cramps, heavy periods, and tender breasts. Specifically, you may feel abdominal pain perpetuating throughout your body.
How do I know if I am in menopause?
Marking the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles, menopause is a journey into a new era of a woman’s life. As a completely natural process, it signifies that a woman’s ovaries have stopped producing hormones.