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Top 5 tips to relieve menopause effects

During the menopausal transition, you may experience pain in your body. High estrogen levels are linked with abdominal cramps, heavy periods, and tender breasts. Specifically, you may feel abdominal pain perpetuating throughout your body. 

Tip 1

Relief can be found through a multitude of mechanisms. Applying warmth to various parts of your body will soothe the discomfort you may be feeling. Through heat pads or even hand warmers, you can take on-the-go warmth with you to soothe the lower abdominal pain. At home remedies include taking a warm bath to alleviate any tensions. For breast pain relief, wearing a supportive bra can help soothe any discomfort. Similarly, you can also use a heat pad on your breast and take a warm shower. 

Tip 2

Exercise is also key to finding a balance between the physical and mental pain you may undergo. If you are not in unbearable pain, slowly stretch your body and incorporate physical activity into your day. Exercise will improve your blood circulation and overtime reduce cramps. Studies show that exercising 3 hours per week for one year improved the health of menopausal women. 

Tip 3

Eating a balanced diet will also help with menopause relief. It’s important to set a limit on foods, such as caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. Avoid foods that may be sugary or spicy–also known as trigger foods. Focusing on foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits can greaty benefit your menopausal transition. Moreover, eat foods rich in Calcium and Vitamin D, both of which are linked to beneficial bone health. Products includes, dairy products (yogurt, milk, cheese), green vegetables (kale, spinach), and fruit juices. In regards to Vitamin D, absorb as much sunlight as you can to enrich your bodoy. In addition to having a balanced diet, it is important to drink plenty of water, specifically 8-12 glasses a day. 

Tip 4

Feldenkrais method is a proven method to help calm the joints within your body. Through simple exercises, the gentle flow of the movements help you feel more relaxed and reduce stress.

Tip 5

Last but not least, deep breathing techniques such as yoga or meditation will help shift your focus from the pain. Daily meditation for 10 minutes can help you relieve any stress or tensions in your body, and get on with enjoying your day to come!


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