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Feldenkrais & Menopause

After a career teaching Classical Ballet and Pilates, Abbe Harris turned to Feldenkrais in 2001 after helping herself recover from a back injury with several sessions of the method. Abbe Harris introduces Feldenkrais in this article and discusses how it may help in dealing with symptoms of menopause. The exercises are very gentle, but the impact is powerful.

The Feldenkrais Method is a brain-body wellness approach that utilizes development and body attention to advance physical and mental processes. 

Feldenkrais classes assist with further developing body mindfulness, lessen unpleasantness, and foster more pleasant and viable methods of moving and being in our bodies.

 Feldenkrais’ techniques center around incorporating daily self-care routines into daily life. With Feldenkrais, there can be immediate relief to stiff and achy backs, necks, shoulders, hips, and legs. 

Feldenkrais can offer an especially suitable methodology during phases of life that include huge bodily changes, like pregnancy and menopause. It lessens and releases unnecessary tension in the sensory system.

Classes are intended to assist the participants with tuning in to their bodies and mindsets. Feldenkrais practices help quiet and diminish physical and mental strain and advance profound unwinding all through the body.

Through getting to new encounters of physical and mental facilitation, the cerebrum can make and refresh neuro-strong associations and pathways that help ideal working. Through the gentle movements, your body will explore new motions that still remain within your comfort zone. Thus, your brain will learn how comfort and freedom can continue to coexist as relief takes charge and pain dissolves. 

Feldenkrais may likewise be successful intending to other normal manifestations of menopause like weariness, absence of certainty, a sleeping disorder, and PMS. Post-menopause, Feldenkrais can be especially valuable in assisting with conditions like osteoporosis, with development illustrations intended to forestall distressing effects on joints and further develop weight-bearing capacity, adaptability, and equilibrium.
